Anytime Dental Chandler

Emergency Dentistry

Top Rated Emergency Dentist in Phoenix


Getting the best possible outcome from a dental emergency, whether it be a chipped, broke, cracked, or knocked out tooth, heavily relies on early preparation and education. The more prepared you can be for when a dental emergency strikes, the better likelihood there will be of a favorable outcome. The emergency dentistry team at Anytime Dental – Chandler is prepared and ready to handle your dental emergency, and provide whatever emergency treatments you require. 

Call our office at Anytime Dental to take care of your emergency dentistry needs!

Serious Dental Injuries

Traumatic dental injuries require immediate action to address any serious bleeding or deep cuts that have occurred. If the injury is serious enough, such as a severe cut in the mouth or if there is bleeding that does not stop, make your way to the emergency room as soon as possible. When permanent teeth have been knocked out or become loose, make your way to our office for emergency care. If the tooth has been knocked out, place the tooth back in its socket as you make your way to our office. If you cannot place the tooth back in immediately, place it in a container of milk as you make your way to our office. These teeth can sometimes be placed back in the mouth, and in cases they cannot be, your dentist will explore tooth replacement options with you. 

Ideally, when a serious traumatic dental emergency occurs, seek out emergency care that same day. If the injury is serious enough, such as excessive bleeding or a particularly deep cut in the mouth, make your way to the emergency room. For instances such as chipped and cracked teeth, pick up the pieces of teeth that have been knocked out as these can sometimes be reattached. In any of these emergency cases, seek out care immediately. 

Treating Moderate to Severe Tooth Pain

Tooth pain can often be a sign of underlying oral health concerns and conditions such as root infections and or gum disease. Whether you’re experiencing acute, severe tooth pain or have been experiencing tooth pain overtime, these are all signs that you should visit your dentist so they can examine your teeth for signs of tooth decay, gum disease, or root infections. In some of these cases a root canal will be performed to remove any infected root material, thus ending the pain caused by this infection. While even just the idea of a root canal can make some patients nervous, note that root canals are now routine dental procedures that most patients experience little to no pain from! At Anytime Dental, our team leverages today’s best treatment protocols related to root canals to give you the best and most enjoyable dental experience possible. 

Injuries to the Gum Tissue 

Whether it be from falls, cuts, hot liquids, or excessive bites, the gum tissue can often be sensitive to injury, and any injuries to the gums should be met with immediate emergency care. When an injury to the gum tissue strikes, the first step is to rinse your mouth with warm, diluted salt water to remove any infection-causing foreign particles from the mouth. Then, make your way to our office for an emergency exam. If there is bleeding that will not subside, place a warm, damp cloth on the bleeding area and make your way to the emergency room. 

Braces and Orthodontic Emergencies 

There are actually only a few legitimate cases of true serious orthodontic emergencies, whereas most common orthodontic emergencies can be corrected with a single visit to your orthodontic care provider! Serious damage to your braces that cause misaligned brackets or bleeding should be met with an immediate visit to the emergency room. For more common and less serious issues such as broken brackets and wires that are poking your inner gum tissue, start by placing a piece of orthodontic wax on the protruding wire to stop any irritating poking. Then, make your way to your orthodontic care provider’s office where they will snip the end of the wire off and ensure that your wires are in a comfortable position. 

If and when you’re experiencing a dental or orthodontic emergency, the team at Anytime Dental – Chandler is ready and waiting to address your emergency needs! Contact our team for emergency care if and when an emergency strikes. 

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