Anytime Dental Chandler

Sedation Dentistry

Sedation Dentistry in Chandler, Arizona

At Anytime Dental, our team seeks to provide the absolute most comfortable and enjoyable dental experience possible. For many patients, sedation is required to reduce discomfort, as well as anxiety, during treatment, and the team at Anytime Dental is able to provide different forms of sedation dentistry for patients who require it. Local anesthesia, or, anesthesia injected only at the point of operation in the mouth, is most common for routine treatments such as fillings and root canals. However, some patients may want a greater level of comfort due to previous negative dental experiences or dental fears. 

Our team at Anytime Dental is ready to provide you with your most relaxing dental experience ever! 

Common Sedation Methods:


Mainly, the team at Anytime Dental will provide patients with the following sedation methods when they need an added level of relaxation during treatment:

  • Nitrous Oxide: More commonly known as “laughing gas,” nitrous oxide is a very effective method of sedation that gives patients a “heavy” feeling, and that offers a great level of relaxation to most patients. This is a very common sedation method that many patients opt for or request. 
  • General Anesthesia through IV: For more serious dental procedures, general anesthesia may be necessary, which is administered through IV and affects the whole body. While general anesthesia does not “put you to sleep,” many patients who undergo treatment while under general anesthesia do not remember their treatment, and it is as if they were asleep.

See The Team At Anytime Dental For Top-Rated Sedation Dentistry 

Different patients require sedation dentistry for different reasons, whether they want to diminish discomfort during treatments or dental fears. Whatever the reason, the team at Anytime Dental is able to offer patients different sedation methods to give patients the optimal level of comfort they’re looking for. 


Get in touch with our team today if you’re looking for sedation dentistry in Chandler, Arizona!

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